St. Joan of Arc

 Friends, it has been several months. It's been several...difficult months. We've been on this journey together. I wanted to just share with you something that happened yesterday that caught me and--as many things have in the past two months--forced me into staying in the moment. I thought you might find it something worth meditating yourself.

I've been starting the process of my practice of spiritual direction, and it's been a joy. I could not have started this at a more chaotic time, really, and that's nearly undermined my efforts, but I am determined that nothing should keep me from the mandates God has given me: to serve others and lift up those who need lifting. I am learning and lifting myself, y'all.

Yesterday, before finding out about Biden and Harris--literally a minute before--I had closed my direction session with a Catholic Center friend with a prayer to St. Joan of Arc. Many of you may know this most famous of female saints--born to a peasant family, determined herself to fight for right, and unafraid to put herself on the line. My friend had mentioned her as part of a litany of saints which had always fascinated her and inspired, and I realized I know so many who would be inspired by this 15th century woman.

This was the prayer I read, which came from the 40 days of prayer website, a Catholic Cancer support group:

In the face of your enemies,
in the face of harassment,
ridicule, and doubt,
you held firm in your faith.

Even in your abandonment,
alone and without friends,
you held firm in your faith.

Even as you faced your own mortality,
you held firm in your faith.

I pray that I may be as bold in my beliefs as you, St. Joan.

I ask that you ride alongside me in my own battles.

Help me be mindful
that what is worthwhile can be won when I persist.

Help me hold firm in my faith.

Help me believe in my ability to act well and wisely.



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