Joy and Wonder

I am remembering the holiday of my youth, the reason why it was so exciting. Time slowed down for play, for naps, for catching up.

I hear rain smattering windows, see leaves floating down, brown, orange. They are a living poem.

Overwhelmed by beauty, I look down at a sleeping girl, one big pout, long eyelashes. Her warmth is a dream. She IS real. Sometimes I have to remind myself, rub my belly, consider where I've been, consider the wonder of it.

Joy and Wonder.

These are my mantras this holiday, Advent--awaiting--what? I already have so much! How could I receive more? God recreates us as we wait, each day converting our hearts into joy. I want to give this joy and wonder, help others see it.

Maybe joy comes in knowing that the little things of life make the best gifts: port, cheese, chocolate, and good conversation with a friend on a cold night; creating a satisfying voice in my writing; connecting with family over silly squabbles and lovely moments shared; helping a student see something new and fresh in a literary discussion; reading something enlightening and soul-awakening; relishing the dark and light of this time of year.

Peace and all good to friends and family--think about what your little blessings are!


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