
Showing posts from November, 2018

Wrong Way Right

Most mornings my littlest comes up to me with her shoes, laid at the sides of her feet, and looks up and me and asks, “Mama, is this the wrong way?” And there’s so much to think about in this question, isn’t there? I mean, first of all, she’s cute as can be, and no matter how irritated I am that we’re still not ready to go out the door to start the day, I pause and consider it for her. She’s getting it right more often, but still has them reversed sometimes, and so I tell her to switch them, and she proceeds confidently to do so, and goes  on her merry way. Perhaps we wish we could have the same kind of life moment? When we could ask more directly and get that direct answer—is this the wrong way?—so that we might feel a little more secure, a little more assured that God heard the question. God hears us, of course, and most of us know by now that we often do not get the answer we’re expecting. In fact, at least speaking for myself, I find myself more often grappling with the answer ...